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Grammar explained in Latin – Possessive adjectives

Books for Learning Ancient Greek
Dear Latin learners and Viva voce´s friends,

Carrying my the seeries on spoken Latin videos, there is a new one coming today: this time, on the meaning of … possessive adjectives in Latin!

possessive adjectives in Latin!!

Quite a basic element , and for that reason, possessive adjectives in Latin language are extensively and frequently used -they are used quite a lot in anyo other language for that matter. Do not ignore them! Besides, they are very easy to use… Only remember,

  • They agree in gender, number and case, like any other adjective, with a noun in the sentence.
  • Their form matches the owner of the thing: ego –>  meus/a/um, tu, –> tuus/a/um, and the like.

With this video tutorial, you will learn how possesive adjectives work in Latin through a short comic story. To help you immerse yourself in the language, I teach their use speaking Latin in the story. Keep up your Latin learning and , If you like these type of content, and you have not done it yet, don´t forget to…


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Comentarios (2)

Magister, I enjoyed this short video about the possessive adjectives. One thing that I found interesting in your narrating the dialogues was that you pronounced the ‘v’ like you would pronounced the English or Italian ‘v’, not like the ‘w’ that I was taught to pronounce the ‘v’ in Classical pronunciation. Can you please explain why you say the ‘v’ sound instead of the ‘w’ sound in words like ‘vinum’ and ‘vestrum’? Gratias.


Hello Ricky (is that your name?),
My pleasure! It is really out of bad habbit, something other people pointed out to me already and that I am trying to fix. It is true that you could use a different pronuntiation, the italian or ecclesiastical, where «v»s are pronounced as a labial consonant, like in Italian and English «v» sound. But then, if that is the system you stick to, you should change other elements.
However, I try to follow the reconstructed erasmian pronuntiation, the one that you also were taught by. My native, Spanish pronuntiation sometimes gets in the way: it is somewhat difficult to record yourself in front of a camera, and I did this video a while ago also, I must say! But those words should really sound «uinum» and «uestrum». Thanks for the comment and I hope to see you around in this community!
